Program of the stop in Barcelona with Rachel Heaton and Nataanii Means
Diumenge 11, a les 18h: debat public // Sunday, the 11th of June: Public Debate
Des de la ciutadania qüestionem la capacitat dels partits tradicionals i les institucions de l’Estat per donar resposta a les demandes de més i millor democràcia. Desafortunadament, en molts països és la dreta autoritària (els Trump, Erdogan i Le Pen) qui millor s’aprofita de l’anhel de canvi, tot posant en risc els drets humans, especialment els de les dones, les minories i les persones migrades. Necessitem propostes de transformació valentes que puguin oferir una alternativa a la política de la por i a l’especulació descontrolada. En aquesta taula hi debatrem quines.///
Citizens are questioning the ability of traditional parties and state institutions to respond to the demand for more and better democracy. Unfortunately, in many countries it’s the authoritarian right – the Trumps, Erdogans and Le Pens – that is best taking advantage of this desire for change, putting human rights, especially those of women and migrants, at risk. We need brave, transformative ideas that can offer an alternative to the politics of fear and to unchecked speculation. In this panel we’ll debate what these ideas might be.
Keynote address// Discurs principal:
Vandana Shiva, Philosopher and Activist
Laura Pérez, Councilor for Feminisms and LGBTI, Barcelona City Council
Valery Alzaga, Labour organizer and migrant rights activist
Rachel Heaton, Co-founder, Seattle NoDAPL Coalition
Fatima Taleb, Councilor for Participation, Badalona City Council
Ivan Lam Long-Yin, Standing Committee of Demosisto, Founding Convener of Scholarism, Hong Kong
Yayo Herrero, Anthropologist and Ecofeminist
Dimarts 13, a les 12h : concentracion // Tuesday the 13th of June at 12pm: Protest
Passeig de Gracia 25
Exigim la retirada del BBVA en les inversions al oleoducte de Dakota del Nord.
We are asking BBVA to sell their shares in the Dakota Pipeline and to stop funding fossil fuels and the genocide of Native Peoples with their client’s money. Anyone who has an account with BBVA is funding human rights abuses and the destruction of our mother earth. Join us in asking BBVA to divest or we will divest our funds from BBVA.
Dimarts 13, a les 19h : acte public // Tuesday, the 13th of June at 7pm: Conference
Aula Magna Facultat Geografia i Historia (C Montalegre 6) Barcelona
Nataanii Means : defensor de l’agua i d’Standing Rock// Water Protector at Standing Rock
Join us as we learn how the native voices have been silenced by International corporate interests, how we can fight for change and where the movement needs to go. Please RSVP as we will need to provide audio translation for attendees who do not speak English.
Dimecres 14, a les 12h : concentracion// Wednesday, June 14th at 12pm: Protest
Passeig de la Reina Elisenda, 23 Barcelona
Consulat del Estats Units//US Consulate
Native American activist Leonard Peltier has spent over 40 years in prison for a crime he did not commit. United States prosecutors and federal agents manufactured evidence against him (including the so-called “murder weapon”); hid proof of his innocence; presented false testimony obtained through torturous interrogation techniques; ignored court orders; and lied to the jury. People are commonly set free due to a single constitutional violation, but Peltier—innocent and faced with a staggering number of constitutional violations—has yet to receive equal justice.
Dimecres 14, a les 19h : Art contra Extractivisme //Wednesday June 14th, at 7pm Art Against Extractivism
Casa de la Solidaritat (C Vistalegre, 15)
Nataanii Means (Hip Hop), #Anataban (poesia), Esperad lo Inesperado (conte teatral) + exhibicio fotografica
Art Against Extractivism
A night of Music, poetry, theater and imagery. come see the photo expo that has been on tour with the Standing Rock water Protectors, hear the Native American hip hop artist Nataanii Means, poetry from the group #Anataban from South Sudan and a theater piece by artist/activist Kevin Buckland, Esperad lo Inesperado.
Nataanii Means, an Oglala Sioux and Navajo activist and hip-hop artist, son of the historic American Indian activist Russell Means. He has been supporting the #NoDAPL movement at the Oceti Sakowin Camp from August until the expulsion of the camp in February. This young water protector has been on the front lines of the non-violent resistance despite the police brutality and several arrests. He is also very active in divestment actions and campaigns across the country. Native hip hop artist, he also raises awareness through his music on Native American issues and inspires/empowers indigenous youth. Just before coming to Europe he has been touring in the United States with the Voices of Water: Wake Up the World Tour and dedicated to sharing his front line narrative through performance, public speaking and divestment actions.
The Ana Taban Campaign (Arabic: انا تعبان, Ana Taban, meaning “I am tired”) is an artist collective based in Juba, South Sudan. The group uses street theater, graffiti, murals, sculpture and poetry to foster public discussions around issues of social injustice, government accountability, and transparency.
Kevin Buckland is an artist, artivist organizer and the “Arts Ambassador” for the grassroots global network He has worked with the International Youth Climate Network to promote creative communication and beauty in the call for climate justice across the globe. Harkening on the call to “make this movement as beautiful as the planet we are fighting to save,” he employs comedy, tragedy, farce, satire and a great deal of cardboard in his attempts to end empire and globalize justice. Videos, writings and participatory projects can be seen on his website: